Friday, December 29, 2006

Calumet Farm

Just thought this was a cool image with the horses and clouds. Calumet farm is one of the most famous horse farms in the world. It is the image of what many people think Kentucky is all about.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thanksgiving II

Just a note that you can double click on the images and view them in a larger screen.


Thanksgiving we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house in SC. We had a great time there with them and my cousins. We then went to NC and spent the rest of the weekend with my Dad. The kids had a great time as we were expecting bad weather all weekend and it turned out to be very nice. They rode horses all weekend. Brady got thrown off the horse and broke his arm but he is all healed up now and it never did really bother him that much.


A little slow getting some new stuff up so let's see if I can catch up. Stephanie and Elena went with us and this is the stop at Paula's great aunts house. Halloween is Aunt Ella Belles birthday and she is 95 years old. She is still able to take care of herself and always has cake and ice cream to eat along with the regular Halloween candy.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Ugly Duckling

I saw this swan swimming as I was doing a senior session. I knew the senior real well so they didn't mind taking a break while I did some scenic photography.

The Basilica

Here are some images from a wedding I photographed at the Basilica in Covington KY. I was in one of the organ lofts for the second image. Before I went up the priest asked if I had insurance as they were concerned that something might get broke. After climbing the steps I decided that I needed insurance to climb the steps as they were the narrowest, steepest, thinnest steps ever. I thought if I fall I don't have to worry about going to the bottom. These steps are so narrow I will be wedged in!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Love those eyes!


Kelsey's photo session was a lot of fun. She was so excited about her images that it made it easy to just keep taking more and more images. I am sure that her Mom is really "excited" about having to narrow her picks from so many choices. I love the image in the the top post of just her eyes.


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Hannah lives out of town but saw some images from a senior that I photographed last year. Her mom said that they had several choices of photographers but Hannah wanted me to photograph her senior images. Thanks Hannah!! I love the one of her on the dock. This was at their farm. I always like to capture images of seniors in their own locations. This farm pond looks like some expanse of water along a beach when in fact there were cows and two donkeys watching the whole affair.

Hey cuz...

Johnathon and Evan are cousins and had their senior portraits done at the same time. I very seldom do two at a time but this was a lot of fun as they joked and cut up with each other as well. Jacob, Johnaton's older brother came along and helped me keep them in some sort of order!

Thanks guys, I had agreat time.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

race day

Won't you be my neighbor? This alligator was in the backyard of a house in Hilton Head SC. A lady came by on a bicycle and said she saw it every day. ...we find rabbits in our backyard.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The past two years I have seen some young foxes living in abandoned houses. Here is one of the two that like to sun on the porch.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Here is Taylor and Sydney's dance pictures. The theme was all about Jungles, animals, etc., so we made a little hut for the background.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I received a phone call from a bride I photographed last year wanting to know if I would be interested in photographing a race car driver. Hey I was hoping for Richard Petty but instead turned out to be Melanie Troxel. She is a top fuel dragster and at the time was first in the points. The shoot was for Gates Corp. who is one of her sponsors. When I was in high school I loved drag racing. Maybe it was because there were plenty of straight roads to race on around my home. I met Don Garlits when I was a senior in high school. I still have one of his autographed pistons. Paula doesn't think it is too cool but I still like it.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

This is an image I created for a local newspaper writer. He wanted something with some "atmosphere" and chose this small Irish pub for the image. He is compiling all of his previous columns in a book and is using this image for the cover. Gotta go - here comes a storm.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Many times when you begin photography and even as you progress you look at other photographers work and you get ideas that you may try to copy or try to come up with your own version of the works you have seen. Many people have seen images by Ansel Adams or other photographers and have tried to mimic his results. There is nothing wrong with this and in fact helps you become a better photographer. I am pleased with this image because it is one that I really conceived on my own.

I had driven past these trees and shrubs several times and thought I need to bring my camera and tryto capture some images of the trees and shrubs. When I got to the site and saw the shaft of light coming through the path in the shrubs I was even more excited as I saw possibilities for the image. Although it may not be an "Ansel Adams" I am pretty pleased with the final result.

I named the print "The Door" because it reminded me of a secret door to a secret place much like in the movie "Narnia".

By the way I drove by this location a couple of weeks ago and all of the shrubs have been cut short now.
Hi, Thanks for taking a moment to visit my new blog. I am going to be posting some images of a variety of subjects. I will also put some of the images from weddings and other events as they come up. I may even leave a some commentary and observations as we go along. Please feel free to leave any comments you may have and check back often as I will try to update as often as possible.