Friday, January 19, 2007

John & Lisa

This was a great wedding from this past summer. John & Lisa are two of the nicest people. I loved being a part of their wedding. There was an hour between the ceremony and reception and we went to downtown Lexington and did some extra images of the two of them. Even though we had to dodge rain showers we got some great images. One of the nice things about this wedding was there were 3 other couples whose weddings I had photographed who were a part of the wedding. It is great to see couples from previous weddings. It becomes like a family reunion.

Paul & Jessica

this is paul and Jessica. They had a great wedding although we didn't get to do any of the outdoor stuff we wanted to do because of rain. It rained over 6 inches in some places in KY that night and there was a lot of flooding etc. Luckily all of the wedding events were on high ground!!
What a fun couple

I love this photo of Paul catching a nap before the wedding. No nerves for this groom!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fall Portrait

Heather & John called me to do some fall portraits. They ordered several enlargements and they turned out very nice. I had just photographed the wedding for Heather's brother a few weeks before.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How to treat people..

John Knowles is a fingerstyle guitarist who worked closely with Chet Atkins. He was awarded the first honorary "Certified Guitar Picker" title from Chet. He has also been inducted into the fingerpicking hall of fame under two different categories.
I called the number on his website to order a cd and when the person answered I realyzed I was talking to John Knowles himself. For some it might not rank up there with speaking to the Clapton or_____(you fill in the blank), I thought it was kinda cool to speak to Knowles directly . We spoke for several minutes and he was extremely nice and willing to talk. I felt like he would have talked for as long as I wanted but I tried to limit my time on the phone. Later I was telling some friends about our conversation I thought to myself I should have asked him to sign the cd. So.... I call him back(I am 2/3 of the way to being a stalker at this point) and before I can hardly say anything he tells me how much he enjoyed our conversation from this morning. I was just totally impressed. Here is a person who has been with and is known by some of the most well known guitar players in the world and when I hung up the phone I felt like the "important person". Just goes to show what a little bit of time and kindness can do for others. It made my day. By the way, his website is .